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savoirefaire's BLOG
{Sunday, April 03, 2005 . }

as I try to study, the mind wanders to thinking about the more inane things, small trivial things that have no place in the mind right now, considering I still have an essay due this friday and my first of 8 exams starting on the 14th.
So the picture is clear, I have set myself up for sheer mugging these coming weeks and yet I keep dwelling on things like...
I pledged today that I will learn shorthand! Why? because i think it will be useful and it looks really sophisticated. And then the guilt-pangs, I still have a bass to learn how to play, sitting in my dorm room, just lying there. I am a horrible pig.
Oh and the parents called today. My Dad's secretary in HK is going on maternity leave for 3 months and he's offered me to be a temp BUT i have a general elective that I signed up for, leaving me to really not have those full 3 months of a summer but only like one (if I also include going to Brisbane for Australs). But I need the money and the experience....=X
Lush is absolutely one of the most indulgent bath product maker ever. They have fantastic names for their soaps and whatnot and they smell great! I managed to get a hold of a whole bunch (while burning quite a big whole in the good olde wallet). Am currently using Extra Virgin Olive Soap, which smells like one of those good old Amla soaps from India which I could have bought for a fraction but something in my weird mind tells me, for the price I paid it must be good. My verdict for now is that it cleans pretty well.
I need to master waxing myself unfortunately I am a disgrace when it comes to that as I just discovered.
On less self-absorbed topics, the pope passed away today. I first discovered that as I got an msn message from someone at 6 am. I am not much of a Vatican watcher but hey, the man had power and managed to influence the fall of communism in Poland and whatnot. I predict coverage in the paper would mirror the likes of the time Mother Theresa passed away, but lately have been a very incompetent newspaper reader (i blame it on staying in halls). I am full of excuses.
Oh, I never mentioned that I did indeed watch MDB weeks back, as well as Lemony Snicket. Just to keep up the ermm, movies watched list but I digress.
I will perhaps write an entry that's worthy of more linkaging and discussion in the near future. For now my hands are tired. >.<

savoirefaire blogged at 11:00 PM


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