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savoirefaire's BLOG
{Thursday, March 03, 2005 . }

addicted to Kingdom of Loathing
the ultimate free rpg spoof game that's sooo cute.

aside from that a little update on things.
exams are next month. and no, we cant have a repeat of all other end of semester exams where I flunk stuff.
Oh how unacceptable that would be.

discovered the joys of talking (well mostly writing) to people in haiku, though I am not brilliant at it. Would put up a transcript of a conversation i had today but would like to see it become more popular. ahahaha.

am nauseatingly lethargic. alot of work due tomorrow and mind you, havent been to a single class properly this entire week. Now, it's tempting to brush it aside saying "oh, it's the week after the mid-semester break, take it easy". Lord knows where that makes us end up.

the gist of things? well, am busy yet not really because I seem to be quite escapist about the business (for a lack of a better word).

I would do a plug for an event I am involved in organizing but as you know this blog doesnt have a very wide readership, and I heard a rumour that the event is to be postponed.

hope it's not the sign of things.

did i mention I still need to watch sideways and million dollar baby? *looks at wallet* nahh, not today, too busy.

savoirefaire blogged at 9:46 PM


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