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savoirefaire's BLOG
{Tuesday, August 31, 2004 . }

Yes Yes, I know it's been...erm...26 days since I last posted. What to do? I have been trying to wait for pictures to put up but hell, I could never get that done now could I? Why is that? Because I am a BUM.

Main Entry: 4bum
Function: noun
Etymology: probably short for bummer
a : one who sponges off others and avoids work
b : one who performs a function poorly
c : one who devotes his time to a recreational activity
2 : VAGRANT, TRAMP- on the bum : with no settled residence or means of support
courtesy of merriam-webster's dictionary online at

Sad. However, the solution is on its way. Well, mostly when I...

1. Fix my health ~ my right hand's been afflicted with Radial Palsy, and I am down with a nasty bout of typical.
2. When I do find a way to upload pictures from my new phone (well, not so new now), the Nokia 7610:

Yes, I have it in this exact colour apparently not found in Singaporean distribution. :D

3. When I find a way to organize thoughts and events that have passed (like how I went for vacation, and how I got into the NTU Debate IVPs, ya know, things like that!)

But for now, I will say two things about my weekend:

The Bourne Supremacy

Rocked! :)

savoirefaire blogged at 10:07 AM


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