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savoirefaire's BLOG
{Wednesday, July 07, 2004 . }

Oh yes, I know, it's been awhile. Still, I will try to do my best to entertain on this beloved blog.

Now, I am still reeling from the fact that Greece won the Euro 2004 finals Sunday night because I so wanted Czech Republic to (not that they even got to the finals, hell they could not even beat Greece). Nevertheless, it was quite refreshing to see such a small nation with no big names on their team win the entire thing...very...*tear* David and Goliath don't you think...*sigh*...God does exist then...

One thing I did learn while watching the match at a friend's place on Monday morning (local Singapore time) was that Carlsberg...
tastes like piss. >.< I am sorry, but it really does.

In other news, I am broke yet again, surviving on bits of money borrowed here and there and doing some low-budget things like taking the taxi instead of the bus, having sushi for lunch instead of eating home, drinking alcohol instead of water, etc. I am very thrifty I know.

Oh, and on the previous two wednesdays, they have been showing movies with Charlize Theron
in them, namely, the Devil's Advocate and The Astronaut's Wife and basically they are both pretty weird-ass movies leading me to conclude that while she may be hot, she's..weird. But a good actress nonetheless.

What I will now proceed to say is that Spiderman 2 is not a good movie. It's cheesy, it's predictable..and well, I even preferred a Hindi movie, which I watched after Spidey 2, called Lakshya over it (and basically that's not a good sign if you know me well enough)...I will rest my case.

I am currently in my university's library, here because I miss it soo much and want school to start cos summer sucks. :P

Oh well, 'nuff said.

savoirefaire blogged at 11:31 AM


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